Download Zakus WiFi Profiles 0.3 APK for Android

Zakus WiFi Profiles.apk 0.3
Name: zakus-wifi-profiles.apk
ID: com.zakus.wifiprofiles
Version: 0.3
Size: 0 Mb

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Zakus WiFi Profiles Details

---- Note: Only android below 3.0 version supported. Sorry for that. Starting from Android Honeycomb, API was changed, and part of app functionality already provided by operation system. ---- If you work often with different WiFi networks, and these networks require static IP, you need each time manually configure network settings. This can be very hard and boring. This utility application allows you to store different network (WiFi) settings (devices IP-address, gateway IP-address etc.), and switch from one settings to another with only two clicks. In other words, application allows to create and manage WiFi profiles. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND Features: - list of profiles with predefined IP, Mask, Gateway, DNS, allow you to switch network configurations with few clicks - widget (with different styles) to show info about current WiFi status and provide fast access to list of profiles - automatic profiles switch according to name of access point - backup profiles to storage device (SD card) Known issues: Please avoid to press 'back' button or some how to close widget configuration activity. There is issue with android OS (not only in my application, but in all application with configurable widgets), and because of this issue, if you cancel widget configuration - widget will not be added to screen but still be present in device memory. And the only way to remove these 'zombie widgets' is to reinstall application from what this widgets come. I know, this suck, but there nothing i can do (without enormous efforts). Just don't cancel, add widget and then remove manually from screen. See details here: Be aware (but don't worry =)): Application process will start(in background) every time when you turn on, or off WiFi, or when access point is changed, because app need to react on these events. But application will be active only few seconds (to update widget or check name of new access point). So don't worry about performance or power usage. If you have some problems with app - DON'T PANIC! Try to describe carefully, what your problem, and what you was trying to do. If i will understand problem, i will try to fix it. Don't forget to rate app!

What's new in Zakus WiFi Profiles 0.3

- UI fixes for low and high DPI devices - added widget to display WiFi status - easy access (by click on widget) menu with profiles - automatic profile switch, according to access point name (disabled by default - see menu -> settings) - backup (and restore) profiles to (from) storage device (SD card)
Zakus WiFi Profiles | 245 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.1

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