Download V4S Personal 1.04.3 APK for Android

V4S Personal.apk 1.04.3
Name: v4s-personal.apk
ID: com.dftly.v4smobilegeneric
Version: 1.04.3
Size: 0 Mb

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V4S Personal Details

V4S Personal is an app (Salesforce + Mobile) that helps Nonprofits that use Volunteers for Salesforce engage better with their volunteers and be more effective in general. It includes an app installed on Salesforce and a mobile app that volunteers install on their phones. Here are some of the things that volunteers can do: - They can register and set up their own profiles - They can search and filter jobs and shifts - They can sign up for jobs / shifts - For jobs without shifts, they can sign up by selecting the date and time that they will attend - They can accept jobs / shifts assigned to them, Cancel shifts signed up for - They can checkin / checkout to a job / shift. And: - Nonprofit volunteer coordinators have real-time views of volunteer attendance - They have reports and dashboards for complete volunteer management and tracking..

What's new in V4S Personal 1.04.3

Better security, improved user-interface.
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