Download - Unique - Secure 1.0.1 APK for Android - Unique - Secure.apk 1.0.1
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Download - Unique - Secure APK - Unique - Secure Details

- Free to download - 100MB free space for 6 months - Private - Secure - Upload in real time as life unfolds, as much as you want, for as long as you want - You control the amount of space. You control the amount of time - Ideal as a gift to present memories from over many years - Never forget precious moments. Life is too short. Preserve it. Ask the question "what do people really want from life?" There will be numerous answers, all dependent on the personal journey and experience. Yet beneath the vast majority of these answers is one simple common truth that links all people across the world. People want to be remembered, not simply to be lost amid the rush and crush of the rest of human life on Earth. We ALL want to be remembered. Some time ago someone calculated that throughout the entire span of human history there had been in existence approximately 100 billion people ... yet we know so little if anything about them. Their lives, their journeys have been lost. The rich vintage legacy of their dreams and their achievements and their struggles and sacrifices has largely been lost. And yet they lived, they breathed, they dreamt. And so ... what if we could be remembered? Each day is made up of a series of moments. These are the activities of all of us. Some are pointless. Some are great. These moments are who we are. It is our journey. Timepod can help you capture these moments and convey the cherished details into the future. This would be to show our children what we were like, what it was really like as they were growing up, maintaining a valid and real time crucible of knowledge for our children's children, ensuring our lives and our decisions and our sacrifices are understood as part of the "rich tapestry of life", retained by the future as something valuable, not lost, not meaningless, not quickly fading into memory - something of worth and value for future generations to cherish. We all want to be remembered. We all want to be valued. Timepod exists for this reason, to create the future today. We are the memories of our children's future. Breathe life into the future. Allow your journey to be cherished. What would you like to say? - Unique - Secure | 11 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.5

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