Name: timeclock-365-time-tracker.apk
Version: 182
Size: 0 Mb
Timeclock 365 Time Tracker Screen Preview
Timeclock 365 Time Tracker Details
Timeclock in the Cloud Report your attendance online and by app Obtain the employee’s location at the time of the report You will receive the IP address online when you sign in Hours reporting history display on the app Every employee can see the hours registered on the app screen, including total work hours by month Timeclock sign-in reminder So employees won’t forget to report, they will receive a reminder a few minutes before the start and end of their work Customer sign-in and comments It is possible to add a sign-in and comments at the start and end of the workday Switch to the cloud timeclock and benefit from the new capabilities Manager’s control panel View critical data in real-time: who is working, who is late, who has finished working, and more Cloud system Access anywhere, anytime, from any device with internet access, without the need for installation Issuing reports by length of time or project, end of task notifications, and more Attendance reports Issuing attendance reports, including employees’ location, sign-ins, and comments Managing labor agreements, overtime, employee cards, and authorizations Remote control Remote control of timeclock sign-in definitions on smartphones Smart notifications Smart notifications for the manager and/or employees Writing hours reports Writing and adding hours manually on the management panel, including, vacations, absenteeism, etc. Employee location and route See employees on the map in real-timeDownload Timeclock 365 Time Tracker 182 APK
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