Download RememberMe - to learn names 1.4 APK for Android

RememberMe - to learn names.apk 1.4
Name: rememberme---to-learn-names.apk
ID: de.benjaminzaiser.rememberme
Version: 1.4
Size: 0 Mb

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RememberMe - to learn names Details

Do you know this situation: somebody greets you with your name but you just can't remember the name of the person to greet back. With this app you you can get rid of these uncomfortable situations! You can use this app to associate a person and the corresponding name by using the cardbox principle: 1. First you see the picture of the person 2. Try to remember the name of the person 3. Touch the image to see the correct name The person will be shown more often during the next training session if you didn't know the correct answer. Beside names of people you can use this app to learn names of things, e.g. breed names of dogs, tree species, etc. Additionally you can get notified to do a quick training session - this will help you to remember names, because the more often you do a quick learning session, the better you remember!

What's new in RememberMe - to learn names 1.4

Minor bug fixes.
RememberMe - to learn names | 3 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.7

Download RememberMe - to learn names 1.4 APK

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RememberMe - to learn names for pc
RememberMe - to learn names mod apk
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