Download MyDay 1.21 APK for Android

MyDay.apk 1.21
Name: myday.apk
ID: edu.vanderbilt.ema.bootstrap
Version: 1.21
Size: 0 Mb

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MyDay Details

Between friends, school, after-school activities, sports, and so many other things, life gets busy! We often don’t realize how the day-to-day aspects of our lives can impact our health behaviors. MyDay helps you track your diabetes self-care and all of the important things in life that go along with it. You can easily enter information that will be useful to you when you try to understand your own self-care patterns. You may discover connections between your life and diabetes care that you had never considered! After you install the app you will be prompted to enter your information just after meals and at the end of the day. You can review your responses over time to look for connections between your everyday life and your diabetes care. Check it out now and have a great day, every day - your way! Features: -Brief questions about different aspects of your day, such as how you feel (mood, energy, etc), your location, and your situation (who you’re with, etc) that can impact diabetes self-care -Easy to use design that allows quick response times -Record of your responses within the app, letting you to track responses over time -Able to take or upload photos for visual reminders of your day
MyDay | 2 Reviewers | | Rating: 5

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