Download HIRAGANA Training free 1.0.1 APK for Android

HIRAGANA Training free.apk 1.0.1
Name: hiragana-training-free.apk
ID: air.hiraganatrainingfree
Version: 1.0.1
Size: 0 Mb

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HIRAGANA Training free Details

This app helps you to practice hiragana strokes with models. Choose a character and you can start practicing now. Trace by following the model and then tap the image of the 'eye' to remove the model. Then, you can clearly see the character that you wrote. Let's practice over and over until you can write the characters correctly without the models! Don't worry about making a mistakes! You can remove a mistaken character by tapping 'New'. Then, you can restart practicing. Tap 'x' to close the app, when you need a break. You can restart the app anytime you want. The app allow you to learn Japanese anytime, anywhere and as much as you want. *Although, there are some options that are not available in this version. All of the options are available in the premium version. For further information, please visit our website! The website is designed for those looking for information about the Japanese language. Our website contains more information about hiragana and katakana. It also contains other apps and e-books which are useful materials to improve your Japanese language. *You need to install Abobe AIR(free).( *Operation has been confirmed by Galaxy S. I hope that you give me a comment about the operation in other models. *** You can see the writing order of Hiragana/Katakana: Our facebook-page(Japanese Guide):

What's new in HIRAGANA Training free 1.0.1

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HIRAGANA Training free | 7 Reviewers | | Rating: 3.1

Download HIRAGANA Training free 1.0.1 APK

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