Download BloodyHelp Free 3.0.3 APK for Android

BloodyHelp Free.apk 3.0.3
Name: bloodyhelp-free.apk
ID: com.bloodyhelp
Version: 3.0.3
Size: 0 Mb

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BloodyHelp Free Details

********** Because sometimes we all could need some bloody help ********** ********** Because there might be a time when we all could use some bloody help ********** WHAT IS THIS? BloodyHelp is a brand new intelligent global system of blood donations, its purpose is to save lives through a simple and advanced blood donors search. BloodyHelp has developed mobile apps that use the geo-location technology to search for appropriate donors, priorized by proximity to the applicant, used as a tool to facilitate communication with them in order to save lives. HOW DOES IT WORK? Anyone can register for free at, either as a donor or as a user only. After that easy step it is possible to download the application for free application to login. The application will be able to search for an updated location in our system, so that it is possible to contact you if anyone near needs a blood donation. In that case, the same app can be used to find donors. After the user selects the type of blood needed, with the ease of a touch, the system will display the closest matching donors with the compatible blood type and allow the user to send a donation request no matter if it's a local donor or a visitor. Once the distance is near, the app will locate the donor and automatically will add it to the candidates. WHY USE IT? - Anyone can be a hero that can save lives by donating blood, the only requirement is to be registered as a donor and have the application installed. When someone close needs a blood donation, anyone who is close by will get the chance to be a hero. - Even if the user is not eligible to donate blood, in case of an emergency he must be a registered user and have the application installed. In case there is need of a blood donation, this is the easiest and fastest way to find a donor. It is better to be foresighted, so that in any event that anyone needs may be able have it! Don't forget that, some time we all could use some bloody help. PRIVACY: To protect the privacy of users and donors, we only save the last updated location (not track records are saved), and the application emails are sent through our server (not revealing any personal information to applicants, showing only usernames).

What's new in BloodyHelp Free 3.0.3

V.3.0.3 Easier to choose blood type in registration and search. V.3.0.2. has added the Portuguese language and corrected some errors in the translations. V.3.0.1 Minor bugs fixed V.3. New UI. has changed the presentation of results, A map showing the localization of the nearest donors has been added. Registration and password recovery in app has been added and registration through facebook.
BloodyHelp Free | 15 Reviewers | | Rating: 3.9

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