Name: atc-angles.apk
ID: dfgx.atsatangles
Version: 1.0
Size: 0 Mb
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ATC Angles Details
Designed as a practice test for the Angles portion of the AT-SAT exam, ATC Angles will be beneficial for anybody wanting a generic angle measurement test. About: ATC Angles features a dynamic test generator, so you will never get the same test twice! The test features two question types: find the angle that matches the measurement, and find the measurement that matches the angle. You can control the number of questions (1-999) and the time you have to answer each question (3 seconds – 2 minutes). You even have the option to see the correct answers. Controls: Once the test is running simply tap the correct answer from the 4 possible choices at the top. If you chose to "show correct answers" the correct answer will highlight green and your choice, if incorrect, will highlight red; the timer will pause allowing you time to analyze the question and answer – simply tap the correct answer to move on to the next question. An expired timer counts as a wrong answer. The test may be paused by tapping the "menu" button. Disclaimer: While much time has been devoted to making this test as accurate to the actual AT-SAT exam as possible, the accuracy is not guaranteed. There is no guarantee ATC Angles will improve actual test scores. Keywords: angles, angels, ATC, ATSAT, AT-SAT, AT SAT, exam, test, trigonometry, geometry, mathDownload ATC Angles 1.0 APK
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