Download Turkish Holy Bible 1.91 APK for Android

Turkish Holy Bible.apk 1.91
Name: turkish-holy-bible.apk
Version: 1.91
Size: 0 Mb

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Turkish Holy Bible Details

Kitap - Turkish Bible [1989] Türkçe olarak Kutsal Kitap okumak için bir incil kitap seçin Eski Antlaşma - Old Testament Gn [1] Yaratılış Ex [2] Mısır'dan Çıkış Lv [3] Levililer Nm [4] Çölde Sayım Dt [5] Yasa'nın Tekrar Js [6] Yeşu Jg* [7] Hakimler Rt [8] Rut 1Sm [9] 1 Samuel 2Sm [10] 2 Samuel 1Kn [11] 1. Krallar 2Kn [12] 2. Krallar 1Ch [13] 1. Tarihler 2Ch [14] 2. Tarihler Ez [15] Ezra Nh [16] Nehemya Es [17] Ester Jb [18] Eyüp Ps [19] Mezmurlar Pr [20] Süleyman'ın Özdeyişleri Ec [21] Vaiz Sn [22] Ezgiler Ezgisi Is [23] Yeşaya Jr [24] Yeremya Lm [25] Ağıtlar Ek*[26] Hezekiel Dn [27] Daniel Hs [28] Hoşea Jl [29] Yoel Am [30] Amos Ob [31] Ovadya Jn [32] Yunus Mc [33] Mika Na*[34] Nahum Hk*[35] Habakkuk Zp [36] Sefanya Hg [37] Hagay Zc [38] Zekeriya Ml [39] Malaki Yeni Antlaşma - New Testament Mt [40] Matta Mr [41] Markos Lk [42] Luka Jh [43] Yuhanna Ac [44] Resullerin Rm [45] Romalılara 1Cr [46] 1 Korintoslulara 2Cr [47] 2 Korintoslulara Gl [48] Galatyalılara Ep [49] Efeslilere Ph [50] Filipililere Cl [51] Koloselilere 1Th [52] 1 Selaniklilere 2Th [53] 2 Selaniklilere 1Tm [54] 1 Timoteosa 2Tm [55] 2 Timoteosa Tt [56] Titusa Pl* [57] Filimona Hb [58] İbranilere Jm [59] Yakub'un 1Pt [60] 1 Petrus'un 2Pt [61] 2 Petrus'un 1Jh [62] 1 Yuhanna'nın 2Jh [63] 2 Yuhanna'nın 3Jh [64] 3 Yuhanna'nın Jd [65] Yahuda'nın Rv [66] Vahiy This is Turkish Holy Bible. The Application is OFFLINE and does not need the internet connection. Database will be downloaded when the application is run first time. We recommend you to use Wi-Fi connection. Main features: 1. History – every word you ever viewed is stored in history. 2. Favorites – you are able to add words to favorites list by clicking the “star” icon. 3. Managing History and Favorites lists – you are able edit those lists or clear them. 4. Various Settings – you may change application’s font and theme (choose one of several color themes). 5. Word spelling, using Text-To-Speech module (requires internet connection). Powered by iSpeech®. 6. Context word search – click any word in translation article and search for it’s translation. 7. Random word of the day widget. To see the widget in the list the application must be installed to phone memory (dictionary database may be installed anywhere). This app contains advertising.

What's new in Turkish Holy Bible 1.91

Bugfixes and Some SDKs update.
Turkish Holy Bible | 42 Reviewers | | Rating: 4

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