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Name: nnao.apk
ID: com.mobapper.nnao
Version: 1.0.0
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1050/5000 «Novo–Nakhichevanskaya-na-Donu armyanskaya obshchina» osnovana v 1988 godu, ona yavlyayetsya odnoy iz samykh krupnykh armyanskikh obshchin Rossii. Trudno pereotsenit' yeye rol' v sokhranenii etnokul'turnoy samobytnosti armyan Dona, ukreplenii ikh druzheskikh vzaimootnosheniy s drugimi narodami nashego mnogonatsional'nogo kraya i Respubliki Armeniya. Osnovnyye sfery deyatel'nosti - kul'turno-massovaya - obshchestvenno-prosvetitel'skaya - blagotvoritel'naya Tseli i zadachi - sodeystviye sokhraneniyu i uprocheniyu grazhdanskogo mira i soglasiya v obshchestve - sokhraneniye etnokul'turnoy samobytnosti sootechestvennikov - ukrepleniye delovykh, kul'turnykh svyazey s istoricheskoy rodinoy – Respublikoy Armeniyey - formirovaniye tolerantnogo soznaniya, neterpimosti k proyavleniyam ksenofobii i ekstremizma - podderzhka molodykh talantov Struktura organizatsii Ispolnitel'nyy organ obshchiny – sovet, sostoyashchiy iz 17 chelovek. Izbirayetsya na obshchem sobranii. Raz v kvartal sobirayetsya rasshirennyy sostav soveta, v sostav kotorogo vkhodyat 51 chlen armyanskoy diaspory Dona – predstaviteley samykh shirokikh krugov obshchestvennosti. "Novo-Nakhichevan-on-Don Armenian community" founded in 1988, it is one of the largest Armenian communities in Russia. It is hard to overestimate its role in preserving ethnic and cultural identity of the Don Armenians, strengthening their friendly relations with other peoples of our multinational edge and the Republic of Armenia. Main areas of activity - cultural - social and educational - a charity Aims and objectives - to promote the preservation and consolidation of civil peace and accord in the society - the preservation of ethnocultural identity compatriots - strengthening business and cultural ties with their historical homeland - the Republic of Armenia - the promotion of tolerance, intolerance to xenophobia and extremism - support of young talents structure of the organization, the Executive body of the community - council consisting of 17 people. Elected at the general meeting. Once a quarter is going to an expanded Council, which is composed of 51 members of the Armenian diaspora of the Don - the most representatives of the general public.
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