Name: the-lore-of-canis.apk
ID: wpg.wolfpitgames.the_lore_of_canis
Version: 1.5.2
Size: 0 Mb
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The Lore of Canis Details
A new piece for the Edegard-Universe arrived! Jump into the fur of Canis, a young adventurer in a green tunic. Discover hidden secrets and the potion your family needs behind the desert of Magad. Or won't you return fast to your family because your curiosity about a person inside the fortress is too hard to resist? You will have to use your sword, bow, spear and other weapons to fight against your enemies as well as your lighter or your salt-bombs. Encounter sinister bosses and solve the mystery of the dark castle. You can become a servant of the devines of Edegard. These will buff your attacks with their elemental powers. Find the potion or something you never expected to find there. Will you even fall in love or will you curse because of the hard passages and tough enemies? Are you able to clear the game in NG+? This game includes a new kind of ressource management. Devour all hearts you might find. You will need them... The Lore of Canis plays long time after the events of Shapeshifter, Rotator and Tale of Jellyfishes. Edegard changed and many cultures populate the landscapes, honouring the devines of the old gradients. Wars have been fought and won and lost and the most of the wisdom of the older cycles are gone. As well as the fabrication of an important medicine... WARNING: There will be future updates which will bring you more content. These additions might change your savegame.What's new in The Lore of Canis 1.5.2
- new Areas! - new Items and Weapons! - advanced Enemy-behavior - general improvements ///ATTENTION/// Check your savegame(s) if you aren't placed nearby a checkpoint before updating!Download The Lore of Canis 1.5.2 APK
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