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Harvard Referencing Style Details

General principles Before using this referencing guide you should always consult your unit guide, which may specify variations on this style. If you are still unsure, please check with your unit chair, lecturer or tutor. The following principles of the Harvard referencing style apply to all sources, including print, electronic and multimedia sources. The Harvard style consists of two elements: * in-text citations in the body of the paper that include the author, the date and often a page number * a reference list at the end of the paper giving full bibliographic details of all in-text citations. Note that you may not always find an example of the specific source you want to reference. Sometimes you may have to combine elements from more than one section in this guide to determine the correct referencing format. 1.1 Referencing system This referencing is based on the ‘Harvard’ system. This system is based on two requirements; the first is to reference in the main body of the text after referring to another person’s work and the second is to compile a list of all references at the end of the text (reference list). The Harvard system is a simple method of quoting references in which names and dates are given in the body of the text and alphabetically listed at the end of the essay / assignment / project. Footnotes may not be used as they are not in keeping with the Harvard Referencing System. When using the Harvard Referencing System do not use footnotes, numbered reference lists, or include references for Wikipedia as this is not an academic source. 1.2 Purpose of referencing References are a list of all the materials which have been used or cited in the essay / assignment / project with enough detail to allow a reader to find the item with as much ease as possible. It is important that whenever you use the ideas of other writers, or quote directly from their works, that you acknowledge them in the text and in a list of references at the end. They are called references because you have ‘referred’ to that article or book in your text. As others who read your essay / assignment / project may wish to follow up a particular author’s ideas, it is vitally important that all references are complete and accurate. This app includes: General Principles How do I format in-text citations? How do I compile a reference list? Group author No author No date Multiple authors of a single work Citing multiple source at the same point Repeat citations in the same paragraph Secondary sources Multiple publications by the same author in the same year Book Reference list entries One, two or three authors More than three authors Chapter in an edited book e-book Dictionary or encyclopedia Work other than a first edition Periodicals Print journal article – one to three authors e-journal article – one to three authors Journal article – four or more authors Newspaper article Newspaper article – no author Newspaper article – online or database Review in a periodical Image Image from a print publication Image from a database Image from a website Reproducing figures in assignments Artwork in museum/gallery Note that referencing styles for online sources vary at different institutions, faculties and schools, as standards are still evolving. Always consult your unit guide first. Online, broadcast, video Social media Webpage or document from a website Wiki Blog Podcast or streaming video Film, DVD, video, CD-ROM Television and radio Other sources ABS statistics Advertisement in a print publication Brochures, posters, pamphlets Conference paper Course materials Government publications Legal sources Media release Personal communication Report Software and games Standards Table or chart Thesis Translated work
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