Download Frequences Astra 2017 1.3 APK for Android

Frequences Astra 2017.apk 1.3
Name: frequences-astra-2017.apk
ID: com.unisoft.allfrequency.astra
Version: 1.3
Size: 0 Mb

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Free Frequences Astra 2017 APK for Android
Free Frequences Astra 2017 APK
Free Download Frequences Astra 2017 APK for Android

Frequences Astra 2017 Details

New astra satellite frequence is about frequence satellite astra 2F and this astra satelite was built by EADS Astrium on a Eurostar E3000 platform. He embarks 48 Ku-Band (Europe), 12 Ku-band (West African) and 3 transponders in Ka band for data service as satellite internet. To know the size of the dish you need to properly capture the satelite astra, refer to the satellite transmit power to the ground received indications (indications in dBW) on the coverage areas below above. Then see our chart of matches Worst / height for recommended size before choosing your dish. If you have any questions, requests or problems PLEASE write an email. This application is characterized by the following features: * Does not need to connect to the Internet when running "juste if you need the new daily update" * Provides the ability to search the channel name or part of name * Ability to select your favorite channels and display them in a separate list * Data is updated as they change frequencies or the emergence of new channels List of TV channels broadcast by astra : All Astra channels 2016 update in your hands now The "Channels Frequencies HotBird" gives you detailed information about the old and the updated frequencies in 2016 for all TV and Radio channels on the orbit 13 ° E. The features of the app: • Easy to use with a simple interface for TV channels, Radio. • Detailed information for each channel (frequency - Polarization - SR -FEC -Modulation -System - Channel Status (SD or HD / encrypted or Clear).) • You can search the list of TV and Radio channels with detailed information on each channel • You can search the list of frequencies • You can enter the channel name you want to find detailed information. • You can enter the frequency you want to search and list all the TV channels with the same frequency. • The channels are organized by frequency • This application requires no Internet connection. All frequencies in the following satellites in the same orbit 13 degrees East: Hotbird 13B / HotBird 13C / HotBird 13D. Frequencies of All Channels of the HotBird Satellite Grouped by Country and by Category (Sports, ?News, Radio ..etc) Search by channel name or part of it Create a list of your favorite channels to refer to them later Satellite configurations now can be installed easily!This application will help you to find frequencies of channel of your choosen satellite,its more faster and has over 68 satellites which has over 2000 channels and BISS keys.Also you can click on channel which will show you more information about it(INTERNET NEEDED).In march a lot of channels were reanmed here you can read them and last updates will always be here,enjoy! Atlantic Bird 1 Eutelsat 12 West A Atlantic Bird 2 Eutelsat 8 West A Atlantic Bird 7 Eutelsat 7 West A Atlantic Bird 3 Eutelsat 5 West A Eutelsat 3A Eutelsat 3A Eutelsat 3C (ex-Atlantic Bird 4A) Eutelsat 3C Eurobird 4A Eutelsat 4A W3A Eutelsat 7A Eurobird 9A Eutelsat 9A KA-SAT Eutelsat KA-SAT 9A W2A Eutelsat 10A Hot Bird 6 Eutelsat Hot Bird 13A Hot Bird 8 Eutelsat Hot Bird 13B Hot Bird 9 Eutelsat Hot Bird 13C W3C Eutelsat 16A Eurobird 16 Eutelsat 16B SESAT 1 Eutelsat 16C W6 Eutelsat 21A Eurobird 2 Eutelsat 25A Eurobird 1 Eutelsat 28A Eurobird 3 Eutelsat 33A W4 Eutelsat 36A W7 Eutelsat 36B W48 Eutelsat 48A W5 Eutelsat 70A - وصفات طبيعية للوجه والشعر - خلطات، وصفات، صبغات للشعر - وصفة صحراوية لتبييض الجسم - وصفات مغربية، ماسك للشعر، قناع للبشرة، - بلسم للشفاه، علاج للحبوب، وصفة لعلاج حب الشباب - تغذية البشرة، جمال و نضارة الوجه، والليمون - وصفات لتفتيح البشرة طبيعية للبشرة - رجيم لتبييض البشرة wasafat tajmil - وصفات جدتي السحرية wasafat halawiyat maghribiya tabkh sahla tabkh maghribi maghribia tabkh al kik kika al halawiyat al 7alawiyat jamal sahla ziyadat lwazn wasafat jamal skali bil a3chab cha3r tawil izalat cha3r in9as lwazn izalat lkarch izalat hab chabab li tabyid lwajh maghribia rijim sahrawiya mojaraba ترددات قنوات astra بدون نت
Frequences Astra 2017 | 15 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.5

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